TEC 2.1 million grant application
State and federal funding are one of the key elements of many operations. This includes municipalities, educational institutions, and even some businesses. Identifying these opportunities is one thing; procuring them with favorable terms is another
thing entirely. After collaborating with one of our clients, we helped them navigate this cumbersome process.
The problem: the client’s upcoming Stormwater Master Plan and Capital Improvement Projects
Often for these entities, the core problem is funding needs. In the case of our client, they had upcoming stormwater and capital improvement projects on the horizon. With an aging nationwide infrastructure, there is often more need than available funding to adequately address these problems.
Our client’s projects were going to be costly. For a successful outcome, they would need to secure the necessary funding to ensure success.
The TEC team acted as a critical cog in the overall project. In collaboration with other entities, we set out to find the most appropriate funding opportunities for our client while the other stakeholders focused on their contribution.
Our process began with research. While there are funding possibilities from a wide variety of sources, not all of these would have been an appropriate match for our client. Some had specific eligibility criteria. Others required specific documentation.
While the latter is often a part of the proposal, understanding what would be required was a vital aspect of helping this client find the funds they needed.
Much of our initial research began via web searches. This meant matching available funding opportunities with our client’s desired outcome. We reviewed many state and federal solutions, analyzing each and comparing it to our client’s project scope.
Once we identified the best options, we began crafting suitable proposals for each recommended grant. For each, we clearly defined the project goals and objectives. We explained the methodology and expected outcomes of the projects and how they would best serve our client’s customer. These proposals included budget considerations, demonstrating how any awarded funds would be utilized and how the proposed funding request would align with the agency’s expectations and guidelines.
A point of clarity here is that we did not pursue just one source of funding. With multiple options on the table, we felt it was best to cast as wide of a net as possible.
This would ensure that our client not only would have access to some funds but that the ultimate pool of resources would allow for all project goals — both current and ongoing — to be attainable.
Our diligent efforts were a resounding success. We submitted all proposals within the required timelines and with the expected paperwork. Already, our client has been awarded $2.1 million and is expecting more soon.
Our team will work hard with your operation just as we did for this client. We’re committed to helping you achieve your goals and will be the partner you need for success this year and beyond. Contact us today to learn more about how we can help!